Best Widgets For Android To Stylize Your Home Screen in 2023

by Jared West

The great thing about Android devices is that the customization option that you get. You can customize your device according to your tastes.

Why a Need for Android Widgets Styling Your Devices' Home Screens?

There are thousands of free widgets that you can use. You can use these widgets for customizing your home screen. If you want to play music from your home screen, then you can add the music player widget. You can even add a weather and time widget on your home screen.

You can use tools like UCC and KWGT for creating custom widgets. Thus, even beginners can create their own custom widgets. If you don't know how to use these widgets, then you can follow the below steps.

  • First long-press on your home screen.
  • After that, click on the Widgets option.
  • Now, you can choose any widget you want. After that, you need to place the widget on your home screen.

You can place any widget you want on your home screen. If you want to edit them, then you need to long-press on widgets. You can use the above steps if you are using the famous nova launcher. However, the steps are the same for every stock launcher.

20 Free and Best Widgets Available For Android Devices in 2023

There are many amazing widgets available for Android users. Most of these widgets are standalone. However, you need to install special applications for using some widgets. In this article, we are going to talk about the best widgets available in the market.

1. 1Weather


This is probably the most famous widget available in the market. The stock weather widget is decent. However, most people prefer using custom widgets. You can customize your widget according to your taste. Thus, you can use these widgets for customizing your home screen.

1Weathers is an awesome weather widget. It looks very amazing. Also, you will get access to a lot of amazing features. There are many amazing features available in this widget. You can use these features for customizing this widget. Also, this widget will show you daily, monthly and weekly weather forecasts.

This widget is completely free. But, it contains ads. If you don't like ads, then you can always buy their premium version. The premium version of this app will give you access to a lot of new features.

2. Beautiful Widgets

This is another very famous widget available in the market. Most people already know about this app. This app has a strong fan following. This app doesn't focus on any specific widget. Beautiful Widget is a collection of amazing widgets. Thus, you can find a lot of widgets in this app.

There are many widgets available in this app. You can choose from weather, battery and time widgets. Also, you can customize these widgets according to your needs. First, you should use the free version of this app. If you like this app, then you should buy their full version. This is a very amazing widget app. Thus, you must give it a try.

3. Battery Widget Reborn

Some people like using battery widgets on their home screen. This app is perfect for those people. Battery Widget Reborn will help you in monitoring your battery usage.

This widget will help you in monitoring your battery status. Also, you can use quick toggles for turning on settings like Bluetooth and Wifi. You won't find other widgets on this app. However, it is still an amazing tool for users.

If you are low on budget, then you can use the free version of this app. However, we will suggest you buy the premium version of this app. It is amazing. Thus, you must try it.

4. Calendar Widget

You can always try the default widget on your device. However, it is very boring. Thus, most people prefer using customizable calendar widgets. Calendar widget is a great widget for your device. There are many amazing themes available in this app.

It will automatically sync with your local Google Calendar app. Thus, you don't need to worry about loosing your important meetings. This app also supports the lunar calendar. If you are looking for a widget with a lunar calendar, then you should give this a try. You can easily find the to-do list and agenda on this widget.

There are more than 80 themes available in this app. Thus, you can customize it according to your taste.

You can download the app from here

5. Chronus

This is a very simple clock widget application. It is effective in doing its job. You can use it for adding interesting widgets on your home screen. It will even allow you to add widgets on your lock screen. There are various options available in this app. You can use widgets like:

  • General Appearance
  • Time Panel
  • Alarm and Clock
  • Calendar Events

This app will also allow you to customize these widgets. Thus, you can customize them according to your taste. However, these widgets are only compatible with devices that are running Android 4.1 or higher. Most of the Android devices are already running on the latest OS. Thus, almost everyone can use this app. If your device is still running on Android 4.0, then it is a good time to upgrade your phone. Most apps are only compatible with the latest Android versions.

You can download the app from here.

6. Google App

Most widgets can put a lot of stress on your device resource. This can affect your device battery life. Many people are looking for simple widgets only. Google app is perfect for those people. You can find amazing widgets on it.

Google Search is the most famous Google widget. It will allow you to search from the home screen. Thus, it is very useful. You can also use Google Assistance for helping you with tasks. It will show you useful cards on your home screen. This will ensure that you are up-to-date with current news. There is also a weather app for Google. It will show you the weather in your area. Thus, it is perfect for checking the weather in your city.

You can download the app from here.

7. Google Keep

Google Keep
Google Keep

Google Keep is not actually a widget. However, you can also use it a simple widget. There is also a widget option in the Google Keep app. You can save your notes on your screen. This will allow you to create notes whenever you have any idea.

Google Keep is not a traditional widget. But, you can still use it as a widget. It is a perfect widget for quickly taking notes. Also, it will help you in managing your important notes.


IFTTT is an amazing widget app. You will find many different widgets in this app. It will help you with automating your tasks. This will increase your productivity.

There is also a widget button in this app. Thus, you can easily add it to your home screen.


This is not actually a widget app. However, it is a custom widget maker. You can use it for creating your own widgets. After that, you can use it on your device. There is a learning curve in this app. You need to spend some time in learning about this app. However, it is not difficult to create your widgets. This app will help you in creating your custom widgets.

There are many widgets available on the Play Store. You can always download other widgets from the market. Thus, you don't need to waste your time in creating widgets. However, if you want custom widgets, then this app is

10. Muzei Live Wallpaper

Muzei Live Wallpaper is another very famous app. This app is actually a traditional wallpaper application. You can find amazing wallpapers in this app. There are hundreds of amazing artworks available in this app. However, there is also a widget button in this app. You can use their widget for changing their wallpapers. If you want to quickly change your wallpaper, then this app is perfect for you.

You can download the app from here.

11. Tasker


Tasker is another amazing app available in the play store. This app will help you in fully automating your device. Thus, it is a very powerful app. But, this app is also very difficult to use.

There are more than 200 things that you can do in this app. However, this app is not easy to use. First, you need to learn about this app. After that, you can easily automate your device.

12. UCCW

UCCW is one of the most famous custom widget-maker available in the play store. If you want to create your own custom widgets, then this app is perfect for you. You can use it for creating your own widgets. This app will help you in creating widgets according to your taste. s

You first need to learn about this app. There are many amazing things available in this application. After that, you can easily create your custom widgets. There are many amazing widgets available in the market. You can always try those widgets. Designers are working hard in creating amazing widgets. You can always use their widgets.

You can download the app from here.

13. Wunderlist


If you are looking for a how-to-do list widget, then this app is perfect for you. Many people think that these apps are a waste of time. However, you can use them for improving your productivity. It will help you in completing your important tasks.

This app will help you in managing your tasks. It will also allow you to manage lists. Thus, you can easily check your important tasks. This will ensure that you are keeping up with important tasks.

14. Flipboard

Flipboard is an amazing Android widget that you can use. If you want to get the latest news on your device, then this app is perfect for your device. It will send you the latest news on your home screen. Thus, it will ensure that you are up to date with the latest news.

You can add this widget on your home screen. It will show the latest things that are happening around you.

You can download the app from here.

15. Minimalistic Text

Minimalistic Text
Minimalistic Text

This app is perfect for those people that want to create custom widgets. You can use it for creating custom widgets. Also, you can add your custom widgets on the home screen. You can't control other widget apps. However, you can completely control this app. You can change the setting of this app. Also, there are various display elements that you can use in this same. Some of the common elements are weather, battery life, date and hours.

There are 23 languages available in this app. Thus, it perfect for those people that are not fluent in the English language. You can use this app in your regional language. If you are looking for widgets that you can control and customize, then this app is perfect for you. This app will help you in creating perfect custom widgets for our device.

You can download the app from the heading link.

16. Overdrop

This is a new android widget. It is actually a weather app. However, there are some amazing widgets in this app. You can use these widgets on your home screen. It will show the weather forecast for the next 5 days. Also, the UI of this app is very beautiful. Thus, you are going to love this app.

You can download the app from here.

17. Time Until

This is actually a countdown timer app. However, it also has some amazing widgets. You can use it for events like birthdays and holidays. The widget is very simple. However, it is very effective. The widgets are also available in different sizes. Thus, you can find the perfect widget for your home screen. This is not the most popular widget available on the Play Store. But, it is surely an effective one.

You can download the app from here. []

18. Todoist

Most people already know about this app. It is one of the most famous to-do list apps. The UI of this app is really amazing. They are using material design. Thus, you are going to love the design of this app. If you are using a free version, then you can use basic features like tasks and due dates. The premium version of this app will give you access to features like remainders. It is one of the most famous widgets available on the Play Store. Thus, you should give it a try.

You can download the app from here. []

19. Weather Underground

If you are looking for an amazing weather app, then this app is perfect for you. There are many amazing widgets available in this app. This app will show you useful stuff like forecasts, radar, and current temperature. It will also show you stuff like UV index and pollen count. The free version of this app contains ads. If you want to remove ads from this app, then you can buy their premium version. The cost of the premium version is only $1.99/year.

You can download the app from here. []

20. Pixel Pill Widget

The design of this widget is similar to Pixel design. You can access all the features for free. Also, there are no advertisements on this app. There are many different customization options available n this app. This will ensure that you can create widgets according to your taste. For example, you can easily change the background color of the widget. This app will work with all the launchers available in the play store. Also, you can integrate it with Google Apps like Google Search.

You can download the app from here. []

Conclusion of Best Android Widgets To Stylize Your Home Screen in 2023

The best thing about the Android device is the widgets. You can use these widgets for customizing your device. There is a steep learning curve that you need to follow. However, you can always use premade widgets.

It can be a little complex to create your own custom widgets. First, you have to learn about this app. It is difficult to find options in this app. But, these apps are very powerful. It will help you in creating your own custom widgets. You need to invest some time in learning about these apps. After that, you can create your own custom widgets. Thus, you can customize your device according to your needs.

About Jared West

Jared's unique approach to audio writing involves meticulously crafting intricate sound designs that serve as the foundation for his narratives. Through careful selection and manipulation of sound effects, ambient noise, and music, he weaves together a tapestry of auditory sensations that bring his stories to life.

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